Kart Center Kottingbrunn

Terms of exclusion of liability


Hubi GmbH – Kart Center Kottingbrunn
Gewerbestraße 4
A-2542 Kottingbrunn, Austria

Terms of exclusion of liability

The driver confirms that he has got and understood an introduction according to the rules of the correct use of the vehicles and the race course. The driver confirms, that he recognized and accepted the risks and dangers, especially the typical risks of motorsports. The driver acts on his own risk.

The driver expressly declares, to use the kart and the kart course at his own responsibility. Therefore the driver assumes the civil and criminal responsibility for all personal injury, property damage and financial losses the driver and the vehicle he is driving have caused.

The driver declares to waive the compensation for all personal injury, property damage and financial losses.

The driver declares that he has the necessary fitness to drive.

The driver declares further , to follow the instructions of the personel and furthermore that he will be excluded when he offends the rules.

This waiver of claims is valid for the driver and his legal successor as well as his contractually bound insurance companies. Place of trial for all charges is Wiener Stadt. Austrian law takes effect. (If the driver is underaged a legal guardian has to sign the waiver of exclusion as well).

Name:…………………………………………………………………Date of birth:……………………


Name:…………………………………………………………………Date of birth:…………………..


Date: Signature: